NextVein’s Vein Finder Can Be Used Anywhere Veins Are Accessed Or Avoided.

Vein Access: The Key to Efficient and Effective Patient Care

Vein access plays a pivotal role in the field of healthcare, forming an essential component of various major health services. Whether it's healing wounds or providing medical assistance, professionals in patient care understand the significance of efficient vein access. The ability to minimise the number of needle sticks required and achieve first-time success in accessing veins brings about a plethora of economic, patient-centric, and clinical advantages.

Nurse IV Access | Vein Light | NextVein Australia

IV Access

Nearly half of all IV starts require multiple attempts. Vein finders have been shown to significantly improve the efficiency and success of IV placement by identifying suitable veins more easily and safely, reducing cost and patient discomfort while increasing patient satisfaction.

Nurse with IV Pole | Vein Light | NextVein Australia

Infusion | Oncology

Locating veins quickly and accurately with a vein finding device minimises the need for multiple needle attempts reducing additional discomfort and anxiety for patients whom may already be experiencing a great deal of discomfort. Enhanced vein access and reduced complications during frequent blood draws, intravenous (IV) therapy, or chemotherapy and other intravenous procedures. contribute to an overall improvement in the quality of care provided to oncology patients.

Nurses | Vein Light | NextVein Australia


Nurses are important for starting IVs and accessing veins. Research has shown that nurses who use a vein finder may feel happier at work because they can be more efficient and have a higher success rate on their first attempt, which means less pain for patients. This can help reduce problems. Vein finding devices show nurses where veins are, helping them aim correctly and lowering the chance of missing the vein or causing complications.

Dentist | Vein Light | NextVein Australia

Dentists | Dental Surgeons

Dentists and nurses may feel more sure when using vein finders because they can see where the veins are beneath the skin. Vein finders use special technology to make the veins visible. This can help locate veins faster, saving time and making the procedure smoother.

Long Term Care Palliative  | Vein Light | NextVein Australia

Long Term Care

Long-term care and palliative patients often require regular blood tests or the insertion of IV lines. Vein finders help healthcare professionals locate veins more accurately, reducing the need for multiple attempts and minimizing patient discomfort. Additionally, vein finders can increase healthcare providers' confidence in performing venipuncture, resulting in higher job satisfaction and potentially reducing the emotional strain of difficult procedures.

Remote Clinics  | Vein Light | NextVein Australia

Regional and Remote Clinics

Vein finding devices can have a significant positive impact on healthcare services in remote and rural areas by enhancing patient care, reducing discomfort, improving access, and saving time and resources. These devices can play a crucial role in extending the reach and effectiveness of healthcare in challenging regional environments.


Hospitals around the world are focused on patient satisfaction and cost control. Fewer needle attempts and complications mean fewer resources spent on treating complications and managing patient discomfort. Patients who experience less pain and fewer attempts are more likely to have a positive perception of their experience, leading to increased patient satisfaction.

Cosmetic Injections

When patients experience less pain, discomfort, and complications during and after aesthetic injections, they are more likely to be satisfied with the results and the overall experience. This can lead to improved patient retention and referrals. NextVein’s vein finder can enhance the precision of aesthetic treatments and lead to reduction in touch-up procedures.

Constrast Imaging | Vein Light | NextVein Australia

Imaging Centres

IV contrast is required for many procedures. Improving IV access with NextVein can offer numerous advantages to imaging centers by enhancing patient comfort, improving staff efficiency, and reducing the risk of complications. These devices can lead to cost savings and provide a better overall healthcare experience for patients, ultimately benefiting the imaging center's reputation and success.

Phlebotomist  | Vein Light | NextVein Australia

Phlebotomists | Blood Draw

Blood test results are very important for making medical decisions, with 90% of decisions being based on them. Phlebotomy tries to collect samples quickly and effectively by using the first needle insertion. NextVein's device helps in finding veins in children and older adults who may have hard-to-find veins because they are small, fragile, or close to the surface. Our device helps phlebotomists quickly find usable veins for successful and timely blood draws.

Surgery | Vein Light | NextVein Australia

Vascular Surgery

Vein finders are used globally to help locate veins and confirm sclerotherapy outcomes. These devices assist in finding veins and arteries accurately, which reduces tissue and vessel damage during surgery. This can lead to quicker patient recovery and lower chances of complications.

Hospital Lobby  | Vein Light | NextVein Australia

Hospital Management

Using a vein finding device can improve access to veins, making healthcare more efficient. It reduces waste of resources, such as needles and catheters, and can help train healthcare professionals in vein identification and venipuncture skills. Ultimately, better vein access can lead to more effective administration of medications, fluids, and treatments, ultimately contributing to improved medical outcomes.